Pieces of Portland: Photo Essay

A cloud-covered skyline of Portland looking over the Willamette River. The Oregon Convention Center is seen peeking over a busy I-5.

Pioneer Square, often called Portland’s living room, is busy during lunchtime. Everyone is enjoying their food in the iconic hangout spot.

A slowly decaying sandwich lies peacefully atop a trash can, narrowly missing getting thrown away. People go about their day completely ignoring the sandwich’s existence.

Joseph Smith works for Multnomah County Sanitation. People like Joeseph are the reason cities stay clean. He takes a short break from cleaning the ticket booth to pose for the camera.

Ben is working at “The Block” food truck in Pioneer Square. He is pictured cooking up some Philly Cheesesteaks while making friendly conversation with hungry customers.

Logan Snyder causes mischief by scaring the pigeons away. The distant pigeons do not yet flee, unaware of their soon-to-be fate.

Aspiring poet, actor, acrobat, and rapper Zigzag Rhae advertises their website on their haphazardly spray-painted truck. Moments like this happen frequently in Portland.

The pigeon posse walks the streets of Portland as if they own the place. Who knows what kinds of heinous actions they have been plotting in their tiny minds.

Mill Ends Park, recognized as the world's smallest park, sits among a street full of cars. The world-famous landmark saw a remodel and relocation in late 2021, moving six inches west. The park has been Guinness Book of Records certified since 1971.